Saturday, 27 February 2021

DevOps Snack: Change PowerShell version in YAML

I'm executing a PowerShell script via my DevOps YAML pipeline. How do I change the PowerShell version from 5 to 7 in de PowerShell@2 task?
YAML PowerShell Task

In your YAML code add the argument pwsh: true to the inputs (the default value is false). Now the script will be executed by pwsh.exe (PowerShell core) instead of powershell.exe (PowerShell 5). Changing the version only works on Windows agents, because only they can run both PowerShell 5 and PowerShell Core.
- task: PowerShell@2
  displayName: RunWithPs5
    pwsh: false
    filePath: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\s\PowerShell\GetVersion.ps1'

- task: PowerShell@2
  displayName:  RunWithPs7
    pwsh: true
    filePath: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\s\PowerShell\GetVersion.ps1'
#Show PowerShell version in PowerShell script GetVersion.ps1
Write-Host "PowerShell Version"
The Result
Now execute the pipeline and compare both PowerShell tasks. You see two signs that the PowerShell version has changed.
YAML PowerShell 5 and 7

An easy option to change the PowerShell executable from 5 to core. This is very handy if you need certain cmdlets that are only available in PowerShell Core like Test-Json.

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Scaling Azure Analysis Services with ADF only

I want to upscale and downscale my Azure Analysis Services (AAS) from within Azure Data Factory, but I don't want write any code or use other Azure services like Azure Automation or Azure Logic Apps to do this. Is there an Azure Data Factory-only solution where we only use the standard pipeline activities from ADF?
Save some money on your Azure Bill by pausing AAS

Yes you can use the Web Activity to call the Rest API of Azure Analysis Services (AAS), but that requires you to give ADF permissions in AAS via its Managed Service Identity (MSI). If you already used our Process Model example, then this is slightly different (and easier).

1) Add ADF as contributer to AAS
Different than for processing one of the AAS models we don't need SSMS to add ADF as an Server Administrator. Instead we will use Access control (IAM) on the Azure portal to make our ADF a contributor for the AAS that we want to pause or resume.
  • Go to your AAS the Azure portal
  • In the left menu click on Access control (IAM)
  • Click on + Add and choose Add role assignment
  • In the new Add role assignment pane select Contributor as Role
  • In the Assign access to dropdown select Data Factory
  • Select the right Subscription
  • Now Select your Data Factory and click on the Save button
Add ADF as Contributor to AAS

2) Add Web Activity
In your ADF pipeline you need to add a Web Activity to call the Rest API of Analysis Services. First step is to determine the Rest API URL. Replace in the string below, the <xxx> values with the subscription id, resource group and servername of your Analysis Services. The Rest API method we will be using is 'update':<xxx>/resourceGroups/<xxx>/providers/Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/<xxx>/?api-version=2017-08-01


Second step is to create a JSON message for the Rest API. The tier in this message is either: Developer, Basic or Standard. Within those tiers you have the (instance) name like B1, B2, S1, S2 until S9. Note that you can upscale from Developer to Basic to Standard, but you cannot downscale from Standard to Basic to Developer. Since Developer has only one instance you will probably never use that within this JSON message.
  • Add the Web activity to your pipeline
  • Give it a descriptive name like Upscale AAS (or Downscale AAS)
  • Go to the Settings tab
  • Use the Rest API URL from above in the URL property
  • Choose PATCH as Method
  • Add the JSON message from above in the Body property
  • Under advanced choose MSI as Authentication method
  • Add ' in the Resource property (different than process example)
Web Activity calling the AAS Rest API

Then Debug the Pipeline to check the scaling action

3) Retrieve info
By changing the method type from PATCH to GET (body property will disappear), you can retrieve information about the AAS like pricing tier (or status). You could for example use that to first check the current pricing tier before changing it.
Retrieve service info via GET

In this post you learned how change the pricing tier from your Analysis Services to save some money on your Azure bill. The big advantage of this method is that you don't need other Azure services which makes maintenance a little easier. In a previous post we already showed you how to pause or resume your AAS with the Rest API.

Friday, 12 February 2021

DevOps Snack: Keyboard Shortcuts YAML editor

How do I comment out a block of code in the YAML editor of Azure DevOps? Is there a keyboard shortcut to toggle line comments?
Toggle line comments

Yes you can use the same keyboard shortcut as in Visual Studio:
Comment: CTRL+K, CRTL+C 
Uncomment:  CTRL+K, CRTL+U 

And there is also an easier shortcut to switch between comment and uncomment:
Press CTRL + / to (un)comment a block of code

More commands can be found by pressing F1. What's your favorite keyboard shortcut. Let us know in in the comments.
Press F1 to see all Keyboard Shortcuts