Sunday, 2 October 2022

Synapse - error: missing required argument 'factoryId'

I want to deploy a Synapse workspace via DevOps and the Synapse workspace deployment addon, but it is giving me an error: Stderr:  error: missing required argument 'factoryId'.  How do I solve this error?

error: missing required argument 'factoryId'

2022-10-02T19:05:21.6763177Z ##[section]Starting: Synapseworkspacedeployment
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6900329Z ==============================================================================
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6900630Z Task         : Synapse workspace deployment
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6900882Z Description  : Deployment task for synapse workspace v2
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6901097Z Version      : 2.3.0
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6901303Z Author       : Microsoft Corporation
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6901526Z Help         : Displays the name of your extension v2
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6901791Z ==============================================================================
2022-10-02T19:05:22.5141212Z Bundle source :
2022-10-02T19:05:22.5165738Z Downloading asset file
2022-10-02T19:05:23.5975682Z Asset file downloaded at :  D:\a\1\s\downloads\main.js
2022-10-02T19:05:23.5986866Z Starting export operation
2022-10-02T19:05:23.5989932Z Executing shell command
2022-10-02T19:05:23.5991887Z Command :  node D:\a\1\s\downloads\main.js export "D:\a\1\SynapseArtifact\" dwhtst ExportedArtifacts
2022-10-02T19:05:25.3052935Z Stderr:  error: missing required argument 'factoryId'
2022-10-02T19:05:25.3225669Z Shell execution failed.
2022-10-02T19:05:25.3227048Z An error occurred during execution: Shell execution failed.
2022-10-02T19:05:25.3262506Z ##[error]Encountered with exception:Shell execution failed.
2022-10-02T19:05:25.3355687Z ##[section]Finishing: Synapseworkspacedeployment
This error points to a mistake in the ArtifactsFolder property of the Synapse workspace deployment@2 task. If you don't use the correct folder or even add a forward slash at the end (!) then you will get a not very descriptive error: Stderr: error: missing required argument 'factoryId'. If you get this error then make sure to add the treeview step in your pipeline to double check whether the folder is correct. It should point to the folder with publish_config.json file in it. However you will also get this error if you end the path with a forward slash!
            # Show treeview of agent
            - powershell: |
                Write-Output "Folder and file treeview of Pipeline_Workspace folder:"
                tree "$(Pipeline.Workspace)" /F
              displayName: 'Show treeview of Pipeline_Workspace folder'

            # validateDeploy
            - task: Synapse workspace deployment@2
                operation: validateDeploy
                ArtifactsFolder: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/SynapseArtifact'
                azureSubscription: DevOps
                ResourceGroupName: dhwacc
                TargetWorkspaceName: rg_dwhacc
                DeleteArtifactsNotInTemplate: true

Double check the artifact folder and don't add a forward slash at the end of it. The forward slash bug(?) occurred in version 2.3.0 (9/2/2022).