I'm using global parameters in my Azure Data Factory project and I want to change their values during deployment through my DTAP environments. How do I do that?
ADF Global Parameters |
In this post we are only focusing on the deployment part of the DevOps YAML pipeline. If you do not have a pipeline yet then please read the complete story of configuring the Development ADF and releasing it to other Factories first.
1) Include in ARM template
First make sure that in the pane of the Global Parameters the checkbox "Include in ARM template" is checked. This will add the parameters to the ARM template which will make them available as a parameters during deployment.
Check Include in ARM template |
2) Getting name of parameter
The global parameter will get a slightly different name in the ARM template. For example: myGlobParam becomes dataFactory_properties_globalParameters_myGlobParam_value. You can check that name by exporting the ARM template under ARM template. Then check arm_template.json or arm_template_parameters.json
Find the parameter name |
An other option is to hit the publish button and then check the (not used) adf_publish branch in the repository.
Find the parameter name |
3) Adjust release pipeline
If you are using YAML to publish the changes then the only thing you have to change is the overrideParameters property by adding the new parameter dataFactory_properties_globalParameters_myGlobParam_value and adding either a variable or a hardcoded value. The > behind the property helps you to break the string over multiple lines and keep the YAML code more readable.
################################### # Deploy ADF Artifact ################################### - task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3 displayName: '4 Deploy ADF Artifact' inputs: deploymentScope: 'Resource Group' azureResourceManagerConnection: 'sc_mcacc-adf-devopssp' subscriptionId: $(DataFactorySubscriptionId) action: 'Create Or Update Resource Group' resourceGroupName: $(DataFactoryResourceGroupName) location: 'West Europe' templateLocation: 'Linked artifact' csmFile: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/ArmTemplatesArtifact/ARMTemplateForFactory.json' csmParametersFile: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/ArmTemplatesArtifact/ARMTemplateParametersForFactory.json' overrideParameters: > -factoryName $(DataFactoryName) -dataFactory_properties_globalParameters_myGlobParam_value "Test123" deploymentMode: 'Incremental' env: SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
After deployment you can see the new parameter value |
And if you're using the Release pipelines with the ARM template deployment task then you can just go to the Override template parameters property, click on the edit button and replace the value with a new value or a variable from a variable group.
In this post you learned how to use Global Parameters from ADF as ARM template parameters for Azure Data Factory. This allows you to use different settings in the various factories in you DTAP environments. In a next post we will show you how to override properties from for example a Linked Service or a Trigger that should get a different value in acceptance or production.