Showing posts with label DATA_LAKE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DATA_LAKE. Show all posts

Sunday 23 July 2017

Azure - Use Azure Data Lake for Big Data

We have collected sensor data and we want to use this in a Data Warehouse (DWH). Because we do not want to store raw data in our database, we need to resolve this first. How can we accomplish this with Azure Data Lake?

Over Azure Data Lake

We use Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) to store the sensor data. As we know from an earlier post, ADLS is extremely suitable for storing unstructured data and we showed an example of how you can store this sensor data. In the first example the data, one file of each day, is already stored in ADLS. You can download the file here. Next we are going to aggregate this data per day and create a file that is ready to load.

To accomplish this we will use another feature of Azure Data Lake, called Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA). With this and Data Lake Store, Microsoft offers new features similar to Apache Hadoop to deal with petabytes of Big Data. The advantage of Data Lake Analytics is that it supports Hadoop, but also introduce a similar language like T-SQL, called U-SQLThis is Microsoft's new Big Data query language. It is T-SQL with a little touch of C# to add even more features to the language. Click here for more details about this.

If you don't have sensor data ready, you can download a sensor generator for free. This 'SensorEventGenerator' can be found here. In addition, you have to create an Event Hub / IoT Hub to sending these sensor data to Azure. Click here for more information. In our case we have generated our own data with a similar program and uploaded to ADLS.

1) Create Data Lake Analytics
First we have to create a new Data Lake Service with a Data Lake Analytics account. We give the account a suitable name and we choose the same resource group as the ADLS uses. As a last step we need to choose the Data Lake Store, in our case 'bitoolsadls' where the sensor files are stored.

Azure Portal - Create Data Lake Analytics

Important to know is the pricing. The creation of the service is free, also while it is running. The payment starts with the use of U-SQL Jobs. You pay for computing power (measured in Analytics Units). More information about pricing here. For example, if we want to run a job 24 hours with 1 UAs (and that complies), this will results in the following costs:

Data Lake Analytics Cost Indication
Depending of the amount of data, the number of Analytics Units (UAs) must be increased. 

1) Create new Job
Now everything is set, we must create a new U-SQL Job. Go to your Data Lake Analytics you just created and click on 'New Job'. Give it a suitable name. Notice that you have two other options to change: Priority and UAs. By 'Priority' you can determine the importance of the job. For example, if the job has Priority 1, this job will always start first. The other one are the Analytics Units (as we explained earlier). Increasing the 'UAs', will give you a cost indication. For now we leave this both on default, because it is our only job. 

2) Write a Query
Let's get started with the query. As I mentioned before, it similar to T-SQL, because you can also write SELECT statements with the familiar FROM and WHERE clauses and transfer the data to a new location. In addition, you must use C# for data type conversions and for example to determine today's date. In this case we retrieve the raw data, aggregate this data and store it in a new CSV file in a new ADLS folder.

To retrieve the data from the file, use EXTRACT and FROM. You can also use T-SQL variables in the FROM clause to avoid hard coded paths, but for now we fill in our file path hard coded. We do not need to fill in the Data Lake name itself, because the default is our ADLS account. We also have to use the USING statement for specify the extract format, in this case a CSV file. More details about this statement here. Important to know is that we specify that the first row must be skipped, because that's the header. The result of this query will be stored in the variable '@sensorData'.

Next we want to aggregate our data, because the granularity of the raw data is per second. We take the averages of temperature (temp) and humidity (hmdt) per day and per location. We need a SELECT statement on '@sensorData' variable for this. Besides the aggregations, we are doing some datatype conversions, because extracting the data as string is currently the preferred way. We also use GROUP BY for dividing the result into groups (per day and per location). You may have noticed that we do not select all the columns, because we do not need all columns from the source file.

Once we have retrieved and transform the data, we want to save it in a new file. Therefore, we use the OUTPUT statement. Define the folder path. This will be automatically created with the new file. Because we are also saving the new file in a CSV format, we will use the same extractor by USING, except now without the 'skipFirstNRows' parameter. Every time you start the job, it will overwrite the file destination.

The query:

// Extract the sensor data from CSV file (skip the header)
@sensorData = 
        [time]                    string
    ,   [dsplid]                  string
    ,   [dspl]                    string
    ,   [temp]                    string
    ,   [hmdt]                    string
    ,   [status]                  string
    ,   [location]                string
    ,   [EventProcessedUtcTime]   string
    ,   [PartitionId]             string
    ,   [EventEnqueuedUtcTime]    string
    FROM "/SensorData/Input/bitools_sample_data_01-01-2016.csv"
    USING Extractors.Csv(skipFirstNRows:1);

// Aggregate the sensor data (average per location) and data type conversions
@result =
        DateTime.ParseExact([time], "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", null).Date AS Date
    ,   AVG(Convert.ToInt32([temp])) AS Temperature
    ,   AVG(Convert.ToInt32([hmdt])) AS Humidity
    ,   [location] AS Location
    FROM @sensorData
        DateTime.ParseExact([time], "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", null).Date
    ,   [location];

// Save the sensor data to a new CSV file
OUTPUT @result
TO "/SensorData/Output/bitools_sample_data_01-01-2016_AveragePerDayPerLocation.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv(outputHeader : true, quoting:false);

Note 1:
The statements EXTRACT and OUTPUT use absolute or relative file paths. That's why we cannot use SELECT for retrieving the data. We also use the C# syntax (//) to add comments. Click here and here for more information about the U-SQL language.

Note 2:
PolyBase does not handle column headers that well. If you want to read this output file with PolyBase, you could consider removing "outputHeader : true" from the OUTPUT part of the query.

Azure Portal - Create the U-SQL Job

3) Run the Job
When the query is done, we must click on 'Submit Job'. Now a new screen will appear where we can monitor the running job. When the job is successfully 'Finalizing', we can preview the output file. Notice that the new file has 10 rows: one average row for temperature and humidity per location.

Azure Portal - Run the U-SQL Job

Finally, let see if the file is stored in the Azure Data Lake Store. Go to your ADLS and click on 'Data Explorer'. Find your output folder and there it is!

Azure Portal - See result in Data Lake Store

We showed you how Azure Data Lake is suitable for storing and transform Big Data, in this case sensor data. Off course, there are more ways to get this together using the Cortana Intelligence Suite, for example Stream Analytics.

In this post we used one single file, but often companies have hundreds or thousand of files. In a next post we show you how to handle multiple input files in Azure Data Lake Analytics.

Saturday 25 February 2017

Azure - Understanding Stream Analytics Data Lake Store Destination

How do you use Azure Data Lake Store to store Stream Analytics data and why would you do that?

In an earlier post we have set up a Stream Analytics Job where sensor data is send to a Blob file. In this case we create a new Stream Analytics Job with Data Lake Store as output and were we use the sensor data as input. Despite the fact that the Input and Output is different, the query stays the same as other Stream Analytics Jobs. You can find the configuration of the Stream Analytics Job query here.

A Data Lake Store is a scalable repository optimized for storing IoT data, log files and other large datasets for Big Data scenarios. It contains folders and these folders contain the files (data). As said before, you can also store (sensor) data using Blob storage. These two storage options are similar, but there are some important differences, which we will explain later in this post.

Overview Data Lake Store with different types of data

1) Create a Data Lake Store
First we have to create the Data Lake Store. Click on New (+ icon) in your portal and under the Storage category you will find the Data Lake Store. Give it a suitable name. Next we choose the Resource Group which we created earlier by setting up the IoT Hub. The benefit of choosing the same group is that among other things, the rights are the same. At this time there are not many options available in both Location and Pricing, so it's default.

Azure Portal - Create Data Lake Store

2) Create the Stream Analytics Job
Before creating this new job, we already added a new consumer group to our IoT Hub, called 'DataLake'. Using multiple consumer groups makes it possible for several consumer applications to read data from this IoT Hub independently. Click here to see where you can add/manage consumer group(s).

The Azure Portal is still in development, so adding a new consumer group is now at a different place than in an earlier post. See screenshot below.

Azure Portal - Adding Consumer Groups

Now we can create the job. We choose the same Resource Group as the IoT Hub and Storage account, just like the creation of the Data Lake. Our Location is the Netherlands, so we choose West-Europe.

Azure Portal - Create Stream Analytics Job

3) Configure the Stream Analytics Job
We start with defining the Input. We choose 'Data stream' as Source Type because the sensor data is an ongoing stream and is derived from the IoT Hub. Under Source we choose 'IoT hub'. In our case we have one IoT Hub, but when you have multiple IoT Hubs you can choose one from the list. Now our IoT Hub appears automatically. Next we choose 'datalake' as Consumer group. This is the one we have created earlier. Finally we choose 'JSON' as Event serialization format.

Now we can specify the Output. Give it a suitable name and choose 'Data Lake Store' as Sink. The corresponding (in thise case the one we have created earlier) Account Name will be selected automatically. Next we enter a file path to store the files in our Data Lake Store account. Optionally, you can specify this path with date and time. Now the data will be stored in multiple instances per day and per hour and this makes the storage more clearly. At last you will choose the 'JSON' format.

In this post we only configuring the Input and Output of the job, as mentioned earlier. Now we can run the job with a valid query.

Azure Portal - Configure Stream Analytics Job

After running the Stream Analytics Job, the data is now stored in the Data Lake Store. You can find this in the Azure portal. Open the Data Lake Store and go to Data Explorer. Now you see one folder named 'sensordata'. This folder contains multiple subfolders: year, month, day and hour. Now we have only one file with data in the subfolder 'hour', but each next hour there will be a new file (as long as your Stream Analytics Job is running). This is exactly what we have configured earlier. In each file, the data is stored per 10 seconds. It works!

Azure Portal - Result Data Lake Store

Differences between Blog Storage and Data Lake Store
The first big difference is the size limits. There are no limitations in account/file size or number of files at a Data Lake Store, while Blob storage has such restrictions. In addition Data Lake Store has built-in Hadoop integration. Therefore (along with the unlimited storage) this makes it suitable for storing Big Data and then analyze this data. Another difference is the authentication. Blob storage works with generated storage access keys, while a Data Lake Store use Azure Active Directory for this. 

Overall a Data Lake Store has more possibilities then Blob storage and is optimized for Big Data purposes. The general purpose of Blob Storage is storing data in different scenarios like backups or media files (for streaming). The starting prices are lower for Blob storage, but you have different storage prices for your Blob Storage account. This means: you can make it as expensive as you want and in some cases the monthly charges per GB will be higher than a Data Lake Store. Click here for more details about the differences and prices between a Data Lake Store and Blob storage.

Azure Data Lake Store is very useful with Big Data scenarios because it can combine storage (to more then 1 petabyte) with the ability to analyze this data. This can be done with Hadoop (built-in integration) or Azure Data Lake Analytics, which is specially optimized to work with Azure Data Lake Store. From this perspective it offers more than, for example Blob storage.