Monday, 3 October 2022

Deploy Synapse workspaces via DevOps - Pipeline

I want to deploy my development Synapse workspace to the next environment (test, acceptance or production). What is the easiest way to automate this proces via DevOps? And is it possible to ignore the publish button just like in Data Factory.
Release Synapse Workspace via DevOps

With the new (updated) Synapse add-on for DevOps it is much easier to release Synapse then it was to release Data Factory. And if you use the validateDeploy operation (instead of deploy) then you don't need the workspace_publish branch. It can directly read from the collaboration branch so that you don't have to use the publish button to initiate the CICD proces.

This solution contains of two separate main posts and a couple of side posts.
Addiontal posts

5) Preparation
Make sure to do the preparations described in the previous post. Add two empty files to the CICD\YAML folder (or your own folder setup):
  • Synapse.yml
  • DeploySynapse.yml
Add two YAML files

6) The YAML pipeline
In this example we will create an artifact first and then deploy that artifact to the test/acceptance/production environment of Synapse, but depending on the branch strategy you could skip that step and directly publish from a branch in the repository. The artifact build and artifact publish are separated in two different YAML files.


First step is the trigger. When should the pipeline start? In this case if the branch name is equals to 'main' and the change is happening in the 'Synapse' folder. So changes in the 'CICD' folder will not trigger the pipeline.
# When to create a pipeline run
    - main
    - Synapse/*
The second step is creating the first stage. It will become the first blue, green or red circle in the overview. It also cleans the workspace, which is handy for self-hosted agents. And it mentions the agent pool. In this case a Microsoft-hosted agent.
# Create Artifact of Synapse files
- stage: CreateSynapseArtifact
  displayName: Create Synapse Artifact

  - job: CreateArtifact
    displayName: 'Create Actifact'
      clean: all
      vmImage: 'windows-latest' #'ubuntu-latest'
The third block (step 1) retrieves the content of the repository to the agent. This allows us to create an artifact of the Synapse files that are stored in the repository.
    # 1 Retrieve Repository
    - checkout: self
      displayName: '1 Retrieve Repository'
      clean: true
The fourth block (step 2) is optional. It just shows a treeview of the agent which is very handy for debugging your YAML pipelines to make sure you are mentioning the right folder or file in any of the tasks. This is explained in detail in a previous post.
    # 2 Show treeview of agent
    - powershell: |
        tree "$(Pipeline.Workspace)" /F
      displayName: '2 Treeview of Pipeline.Workspace'
The fifth block (step 3) is the coping of all Synapse files to an artifact staging folder. Optionaly you could skip this part an publish directly from the Synapse folder.
    # 3 Stage artifact
    - task: CopyFiles@2
      displayName: '3. Copy Artifact'
        contents: |
        SourceFolder: 'Synapse'
        TargetFolder: '$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)'
The sixth block (step 6) is publising all the files located in the artifact staging folder.
    # 4 Publish artifact
    - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
      displayName: '4 Publish template as artifact'
        targetPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
        artifact: 'SynapseArtifact'
        publishLocation: 'pipeline'
The last block in this YAML file is calling the next YAML file with parameters so that you can reuse this step for all environments (Test/Acceptance/Production). The values are now hardcoded in this example, but you should ofcourse try to use a variable group from the Pipeline Library. This makes it much easier to change those parameter values.

This example contains 4 variables. The first is just to show the enviroment when writing values to the screen (debugging). The ServiceConnection is the name of your ARM Service Connection that you created in the preparation post. The last two are to point to the correct environment of Synapse.
# Deploy Acceptance environment
- stage: DeployAcc
  displayName: Deploy ACC
#   variables:
#     - group: SynapseParametersAcc
    vmImage: 'windows-latest'
    - template: DeploySynapse.yml
        Environment: ACC
        ServiceConnection: SynapseServiceConnection
        ResourceGroupName: rg_dwh_acc
        TargetWorkspaceName: dwhacc


The first code block are the parameters. In this example the 4 string parameters with the values that are provided in the first YAML file.
# Parameters
  - name: Environment
    displayName: Environment
    type: string
    - TST
    - ACC
    - PRD
  - name: ServiceConnection
    displayName: Service Connection
    type: string
  - name: ResourceGroupName
    displayName: Resource Group Name
    type: string
  - name: TargetWorkspaceName
    displayName: Target Workspace Name
    type: string

The second block consist of some starter code, but the environment piece is important if you want to add rules like approvals. So make sure to create a environment 'Deploy Synapse to ACC' or choose your own name.
# Start
    - deployment: deploymentjob${{ parameters.Environment }}
      displayName: Deployment Job ${{ parameters.Environment }} 
      environment: Deploy Synapse to ${{ parameters.Environment }}


The third block (step 1) is about getting the data from the repository. If you use the artifact then you could skip this code because the job will automatically start with a download artifact step. If you want to directly start publising from the collaboration branch or you need to execute for example some extra PowerShell scripts from the repos as well then you need this step.

If you want to use the publish branch then you will find some example code for that as well. This allows you to keep the the YAML files in the collaboration branch instead of the publish branch. You will need to change the operation in the last step to 'deploy' and change some of its properties (not discribed in this post).
            # 1 Check out repository to agent
            # - checkout: 'git://YourProjectName/YourReposName@workspace_publish'
            #   path: workspace_publish
            - checkout: self
              displayName: '1 Retrieve Repository'
              clean: true 
The fourth block (step 2) is again the optional treeview to check the path of folders and files on your agent. Very handy, but once your code works fine then you can comment-out this part.
            # 2 Show environment and treeview
            - powershell: |
                Write-Output "Deploying Synapse in the ${{ parameters.Environment }} environment"
                tree "$(Pipeline.Workspace)" /F
              displayName: '2 Show environment and treeview Pipeline_Workspace'
The fifth and last block (step 3) is the actual deployment of Synapse. The DeleteArtifactsNotInTemplate option is to remove pipelines, datasets, linkedservice, etc. from your test/acceptance/production environment that you removed from the development environment. This is also the place where you can replace parameters and linked service which will be explained in a separate post.
            # 3 validateDeploy
            - task: Synapse workspace deployment@2
              displayName: '3 Deploy Synapse Workspace'
                operation: validateDeploy
                ArtifactsFolder: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/SynapseArtifact'
                azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.ServiceConnection }} 
                ResourceGroupName: ${{ parameters.ResourceGroupName }} 
                TargetWorkspaceName: ${{ parameters.TargetWorkspaceName }} 
                DeleteArtifactsNotInTemplate: true
                # OverrideArmParameters: '
                # -workspaceName $(syn_wrk_name)
                # -ls_akv_mykeyvault_properties_typeProperties_baseUrl $(syn_mykeyvault)
                # '

Note 1: If you get an error Stderr: error: missing required argument 'factoryId', then please check this post

Note 2: If you get an error: Stderr: 'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file, then please check this post

7) The result
Now create a pipeline of an existing YAML file in your reposity and make sure to run the pipeline (manually or triggered) to see the result.
Successfully deployed Synapse

In this second post we described all the steps of the YAML pipeline and succesfully executed the pipeline. In a follow up post we will explain more details about overriding parameters during the deployment. Also see Microsofts own documentation for CICD for Synapse, but at the moment of writing it is not up to date with info of task version 2. 

To see the available operations and related properties of this task you can also use the 'Show assistant' option in the YAML editor in Azure DevOps. An other option is to use the Release Pipeline editor and then hit the View YAML button.
Gui of the task via Show Assistant

View YAML of Release pipeline task

Deploy Synapse workspaces via DevOps - Setup

I want to deploy my development Synapse workspace to the next environment (test, acceptance or production). What is the easiest way to automate this proces via DevOps? And is it possible to ignore the publish button just like in Data Factory.
Release Synapse Workspace via DevOps

With the new (updated) Synapse add-on for DevOps it is much easier to release Synapse then it was to release Data Factory. And if you use the validateDeploy operation (instead of deploy) then you don't need the workspace_publish branch. It can directly read from the collaboration branch so that you don't have to use the publish button to initiate the CICD proces.

This solution contains of two separate main posts and a couple of side posts.
  1. Setup Synapse and  DevOps in preparation of the pipeline (this post).
  2. Setup the YAML pipeline to do the actual deployment.
Addiontal posts

1) Setup Git repository
Setup your Synapse Workspace to use a Git repository. You can find this in Synapse under the toolbox icon (manage) in the left menu. Beside choosing the right Collaboration branch (that differs per organization and branch strategy), it is also usefull to change the Root folder to for example /Synapse/. This allows you to create a separate folder in the root for your CICD files like YAML and PowerShell scripts.
Git repository setup in Synapse

In your repository it should look something like this where the Synapse files are separated from the CICD files. Make sure to create a CICD folder and a YAML sub-folder to accommodate the pipeline files from the next post.
Synaose in the (DevOps) Repository 

2) Give Service Principal Access
To do the actual deployment of the Synapse Workspace, you want to use a Service Principal. Create one or ask your AAD administrator to provide one if you are not authorized to create one yourself.

We want to give this Service Principal (SP) the minimal rights in the target workspace to do the deployment. For this we will give it the Synapse Artifact Publisher role within Synapse. You can do this in Synapse under the toolbox icon (manage) in the left menu. Then choose Access control and use the +Add button to give the SP the correct role. In the next step we will create a Service Connection in Azure DevOps with this SP. Do this for all target workspaces (tst/acc/prd).
Access control - Make SP Synapse Artifact Publisher

If your Service Principal didn't get the correct authorization then you will get the following error during the deployment in DevOps.
Start deploying artifacts from the template.
Deploy LS_AKV_AAA of type linkedService
For Artifact: LS_AKV_AAA: ArtifactDeploymentTask status: 403; status message: Forbidden
deploy operation failed
An error occurred during execution: Error: Linked service deployment failed "Failed"
##[error]Encountered with exception:Error: Linked service deployment failed "Failed"
For Artifact: LS_AKV_AAA: Deploy artifact failed: {"error":{"code":"Unauthorized","message":"The principal 'aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-12345678' does not have the required Synapse RBAC permission to perform this action. Required permission: Action: Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/linkedServices/write, Scope: workspaces/mySynapseAcc."}}

3) Setup DevOps Service Connection
The next step is to create a Service Connection in DevOps. In the Project settings of your DevOps project you can find the option Service connections under Pipelines. You need to create a new Service Connection of the type Azure Resource Manager (ARM) for which you need the Service Principal Id (application id), the Service principal key (the secret) and the Tenant Id of your Azure Active Directory. Make sure to give the service connection a useful name. You will need the Service Connection name in the YAML code of the next post.
Add Service Connection

4) Add Synapse workspace deployment Add on
Microsoft made the deploy of a Synapse workspace a little easier then for Data Factory by creating a DevOps add-on for Synapse. You need to add this to your DevOps Organization by clicking the green button with Get it free. If you are not an DevOps Organization administrator then you need to ask someone else to approve the installation. 
Synapse workspace deployment addon

If you already have this add-on then make sure to update it to at least 2.3.0. You can find the add-on in the Organization Setting under General - Extensions.
Check version of extension

In this first post we showed some preparations that are not that difficult, but you will need the right access for it or be able to ask a colleague for it that does have access to the AAD and the DevOps organization. In the next post we will create a YAML pipeline that consists of two YAML files to do the actual deployment.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Synapse - error: missing required argument 'factoryId'

I want to deploy a Synapse workspace via DevOps and the Synapse workspace deployment addon, but it is giving me an error: Stderr:  error: missing required argument 'factoryId'.  How do I solve this error?

error: missing required argument 'factoryId'

2022-10-02T19:05:21.6763177Z ##[section]Starting: Synapseworkspacedeployment
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6900329Z ==============================================================================
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6900630Z Task         : Synapse workspace deployment
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6900882Z Description  : Deployment task for synapse workspace v2
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6901097Z Version      : 2.3.0
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6901303Z Author       : Microsoft Corporation
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6901526Z Help         : Displays the name of your extension v2
2022-10-02T19:05:21.6901791Z ==============================================================================
2022-10-02T19:05:22.5141212Z Bundle source :
2022-10-02T19:05:22.5165738Z Downloading asset file
2022-10-02T19:05:23.5975682Z Asset file downloaded at :  D:\a\1\s\downloads\main.js
2022-10-02T19:05:23.5986866Z Starting export operation
2022-10-02T19:05:23.5989932Z Executing shell command
2022-10-02T19:05:23.5991887Z Command :  node D:\a\1\s\downloads\main.js export "D:\a\1\SynapseArtifact\" dwhtst ExportedArtifacts
2022-10-02T19:05:25.3052935Z Stderr:  error: missing required argument 'factoryId'
2022-10-02T19:05:25.3225669Z Shell execution failed.
2022-10-02T19:05:25.3227048Z An error occurred during execution: Shell execution failed.
2022-10-02T19:05:25.3262506Z ##[error]Encountered with exception:Shell execution failed.
2022-10-02T19:05:25.3355687Z ##[section]Finishing: Synapseworkspacedeployment
This error points to a mistake in the ArtifactsFolder property of the Synapse workspace deployment@2 task. If you don't use the correct folder or even add a forward slash at the end (!) then you will get a not very descriptive error: Stderr: error: missing required argument 'factoryId'. If you get this error then make sure to add the treeview step in your pipeline to double check whether the folder is correct. It should point to the folder with publish_config.json file in it. However you will also get this error if you end the path with a forward slash!
            # Show treeview of agent
            - powershell: |
                Write-Output "Folder and file treeview of Pipeline_Workspace folder:"
                tree "$(Pipeline.Workspace)" /F
              displayName: 'Show treeview of Pipeline_Workspace folder'

            # validateDeploy
            - task: Synapse workspace deployment@2
                operation: validateDeploy
                ArtifactsFolder: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/SynapseArtifact'
                azureSubscription: DevOps
                ResourceGroupName: dhwacc
                TargetWorkspaceName: rg_dwhacc
                DeleteArtifactsNotInTemplate: true

Double check the artifact folder and don't add a forward slash at the end of it. The forward slash bug(?) occurred in version 2.3.0 (9/2/2022).