Saturday, 6 March 2021

dataMinds Saturday - REST APIs in Data Factory

On Saturday March 13th I will present a session about using REST APIs in Azure Data Factory instead of scripting. Despite of PowerShell being our friend in Azure for a long time. It's not everybody's cup of thee. Most BI developers and probably also a lot of DWH developers rather do anything else before they start writing PowerShell scripts. 

Luckily Microsoft brought Rest APIs to almost every service in Azure. So instead of writing, and maintaining, PowerShell scripts that are easily over a 100 lines of code, you now have one URL to accomplish the same task. In this session I will show you how to handle those REST APIs in Azure Data Factory Pipelines (and they work in Synapse Studio Pipelines as well). Join me via Download PowerPoint

PowerPoint will be available after the presentation

Demo material