Tuesday 1 October 2024

Synapse - Invalid notebook reference

During the deployment of Synapse I'm getting an invalid referene error for my notebooks. They are referencing Spark pools that only exists in the Development workspace.

The document creation or update failed because of invalid reference 'SparkPoolJoost' 
An error occurred during execution: Error: Failed to fetch the deployment status 
{"code":"400","message":"CreateOrUpdateNotebook failed: [statusCode from ADF:BadRequest, 
ErrorMessage: {\"code\":\"BadRequest\",\"message\":\"The document creation or update failed because of invalid reference 'bitools'.\",
\"details\":null,\"error\":null}, workspace: yp-tst, notebook: myNotebook, ArtifactId: a4581d64-96d3-4041-9ac4-ccc0d7235cc4]"}

This deployment error often happens when you don't have the same set of Spark pools in each environment of your DTAP. If one of your notebooks is still referencing a Spark Pool that doesn't exists in the target workspace then the deploymenty proces will throw an invalid reference error.

We often have one general Spark Pool doing all the work and that is available in each Synapse workspace, but also have a whole bunch of Spark Pools in development letting multiple developers do some work without getting in each other's way. Nothing is more enoying then waiting for a colleague to release the spark nodes. 

This deployment error can easily be solved by changing the attached Spark Pool in the notebook before you start deploying. This is ofcourse taking a lot of extra time (and patience) each time you forget to select the right Spark Pool that exists in all workspaces.
Attached Spark Pool

You can make it a little less enoying by adding an override to the YAML task Synapse workspace deployment@2 for the notebook property bigDataPool referenceName. You can even do this manually for a couple of notebooks, but the more notebooks you have the more enoying it gets.
# Validate and Deploy Synapse
- task: Synapse workspace deployment@2
  displayName: 'Validate and Deploy Synapse'
	operation: validateDeploy
	ArtifactsFolder: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/SynapseArtifact'
	azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.ServiceConnection }}
	ResourceGroupName: ${{ parameters.Synapse_ResourceGroupName }}
	TargetWorkspaceName: ${{ parameters.Synapse_WorkspaceName }}
	DeleteArtifactsNotInTemplate: true
	DeployManagedPrivateEndpoints: true
	OverrideArmParameters: '
	  -LS_AKV_Secrets_properties_typeProperties_baseUrl				https://${{ parameters.KeyVault_Name }}.vault.azure.net/
	  -LS_ADLS_Datalake_properties_typeProperties_url				https://${{ parameters.Datalake_Name }}.dfs.core.windows.net/
	  -LS_ASQL_Metadata_connectionString							${{ parameters.Metadata_Connectionstring }}
	  -NB_myFirstNotebook_properties_bigDataPool_referenceName		${{ parameters.Synapse_SparkpoolName }}
	  -NB_mySecondNotebook_properties_bigDataPool_referenceName		${{ parameters.Synapse_SparkpoolName }}
	  -NB_myThirdNotebook_properties_bigDataPool_referenceName		${{ parameters.Synapse_SparkpoolName }}

You can make it even easier by generating an override for each notebook in your Synapse workspace. For this we need these three steps:

1) Create variable
First create a YAML variable in your pipeline. For this example we used the name OverrideParams. The value is just an empty string.
    - deployment: DeploymentJob${{ parameters.Env }}
      displayName: Deployment Job ${{ parameters.Env }} 
      environment: Deploy-to-${{ parameters.Env }}
      - name: OverrideParams
        value: ""


2) Add PowerShell task
Next is adding a PowerShell task that will be filling the above variable with an override list. The PowerShell loops through all your notebooks in the artifact. It creates one override for each notebook and stores it in a PowerShell string variable. The last step is to use the PowerShell variable to fill the YAML variable.
            # Edit Notebook sparkpool reference
            - powershell: |
                # Determine notebook subfolder in synapse artifact
                $Path = Join-Path -Path "$(Pipeline.Workspace)" -ChildPath "SynapseArtifact\notebook\"

                # Get all notebook files
                $notebooks = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path

				# Create string variable for all overrides
                [string]$overridelist = ""

                # Loop through notebook files
                foreach ($notebook in $notebooks)
				  # Generate an override for each notebook, make sure to end
				  # with a space to separate each override. Don't use a line
				  # feed or carriage return, because the value should be 1 line
                  $overridelist += "-$($notebook.Basename)_properties_bigDataPool_referenceName   mysparkpool "
				# Show list for debug purposes
                Write-Host "overridelist:`r`n$($overridelist)"
				# Fill the YAML variable value with the value of the PowerShell variable
                Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=OverrideParams;]$overridelist"
              displayName: 'Edit Notebook sparkpool reference'
Note if you are using the template files then you have to create an alternative loop

3) Use YAML variable in Override
Last step is to add the YAML variable in the OverrideArmParameters part. Now run your deployment and see your invalid reference errors disappear!
            # Validate and Deploy Synapse
            - task: Synapse workspace deployment@2
              displayName: 'Validate and Deploy Synapse'
                operation: validateDeploy
                ArtifactsFolder: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/SynapseArtifact'
                azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.ServiceConnection }}
                ResourceGroupName: ${{ parameters.Synapse_ResourceGroupName }}
                TargetWorkspaceName: ${{ parameters.Synapse_WorkspaceName }}
                DeleteArtifactsNotInTemplate: true
                DeployManagedPrivateEndpoints: true
                OverrideArmParameters: '
				  -LS_AKV_Secrets_properties_typeProperties_baseUrl				https://${{ parameters.KeyVault_Name }}.vault.azure.net/
				  -LS_ADLS_Datalake_properties_typeProperties_url				https://${{ parameters.Datalake_Name }}.dfs.core.windows.net/
				  -LS_ASQL_Metadata_connectionString							${{ parameters.Metadata_Connectionstring }}
This solution uses a little, fairly simple PowerShell script so solve all your invalid reference errors during deployment. It doesn't change the Spark Pool in the Notebook Activity, but just the default Spark Pool in the notebook itself. So you can still have multiple Spark Pools for various jobs if you set it in the Notebook Activity.

As mentioned before, if you use the template files TemplateForWorkspace.json and TemplateParametersForWorkspace.json for the deployment then you have to retrieve the JSON objects for the notebooks in those files and create a similar loop as in step 2.

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