

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Synapse pipeline pass parameter to notebook

I have a Synapse workspace notebook that I call from a Synapse pipeline, but I want to make it more flexible by adding parameters. How do you add parameters to a notebook and fill them via a pipeline?
Adding Parameters to your Synapse Notebook

You can add variables to a special Code cell in the notebook and then use those as parameters within the Notebook activity. At the moment there is no real gui retrieving the parameters from the Notebook so you have to copy the names from the notebook to the Notebook activity in the pipeline.

1) Add Code cell for parameters
We need to add a Code cell and change it in to a parameter cell. Note that you can have only one parameter cell in your notebook. You want to add it somewhere at the top so that you can use its variables/parameters in the cells below this parameter cell.
  • Go to your notebook and add a new Code cell
  • Move it up. It should probably be your top code cell allowing you to use it in the cells below.
  • Click in the cell and then on the ellipsis button of that cell (button up right with three dots)
  • Choose Toggle parameter cell and you will see the word Parameters appear in the bottom right corner
Toggle parameter cell

2) Add variables to parameters cell
Next we need to add some code to the parameter cell. Here you just need to add some variables and then each variable can be overridden by the pipeline and be used in the cells below. For debugging it is usefull to give the variables a value. For this example we used python code.
Adding variables

3) Adjust Synapse Notebook activity
Last step is to edit the Synapse Notebook activity and add the parameters. For each variable you added to the parameters cell you can add a paramater in the notebook activity. At the moment there is no smart interface that lets you select a parameter and set its value. You have to set the name and datatype manually.
Adding parameters

4) Testing
Now run the pipeline to see the result. For this example we added a second Code cell with a print function to show that the default values have changed. Trigger the pipeline and go to the Monitor. Then click on your pipeline and within that pipeline on the Notebook activity. If you click on the pencil icon the notebook will open and allow you to see the result.
Click on pencil te open the Notebook

Note the extra cell and the result of the third cell

In this short post you learned how to add parameters to your notebook and fill them via the pipeline. And as an additional bonus you saw how to check the result of the changes. Next step is forexample to add the Notebook to a Foreach loop that ingest data to the datalake and then execute the notebook to create a Delta Lake table for each item in the Foreach loop.

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