

Monday, 11 January 2021

Scaling Azure Dedicated SQL Pools from ADF

Is there a solution to upscale and downscale my Azure Dedicated SQL Pool from the Azure Data Factory pipeline without scripting? I know there are PowerShell solutions, but I rather use a no-code solution. What are my options?
Scaling Azure Dedicated SQL Pools


Fortunately you can now use the Rest API's of Azure Dedicated SQL Pools (formerly known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse and for a short period as Azure Synapse Analytics) to down- or upscale the compute. So no coding required.

1) Give ADF Access to SQL Pool
To call the Rest API we need to give ADF access to the SQL Pool or more specific to the SQL Server hosting that SQL Pool. We need a role that can only change the database settings, but nothing security related: Contributer, SQL DB Contributer or SQL Server Contributer.
  • Go to the Azure SQL Server of the SQL Pool that you want to scale up or down with ADF
  • In the left menu click on Access control (IAM)
  • Click on Add, Add role assignment
  • In the 'Role' drop down select 'SQL DB Contributer'
  • In the 'Assign access to' drop down select Data Factory
  • Search for your Data Factory, select it and click on Save
Grant data factory SQL DB Contributor role to SQL Server

If you forget this step then you will receive an authorization error while executing your ADF pipeline.
2108 Authorization Failed


,"message":"The client 'xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' with object id 'xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/resume/action' over scope '/subscriptions/xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/RG_bitools/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/SQL_bitools/databases/bitools' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials."}

2) Determine URL
Now it is almost time to edit your ADF pipeline. The first step will be adding a Web activity to call the Rest API, but before we can do that we need to determine the URL of this API which you can find here.


Within this URL you need to replace all parts that start and end with a curly bracket: {subscription-id}, {resource-group-name}, {server-name} and {database-name} (including the brackets themselves). Don't use a URL ( for the database server name, but use only the name: bitools.

Example URL
Example URL

3) JSON message for Rest API
The Rest API above expects a JSON message with the pricing tier. A list of all pricing tiers can be found here in the column 'Data warehouse units'. Here are two example which you need to adjust for your requirements:
    "properties": {
        "requestedServiceObjectiveName": "DW200c"
    "properties": {
        "requestedServiceObjectiveName": "DW1000c"

Note: Just in case you get one of these errors below. The json example in the documentation is incorrect at the moment of writing:
  • Quotation marks around the data warehouse units are missing, which returns the following error:{"error":{"code":"InvalidRequestContent","message":"The request content was invalid and could not be deserialized: 'Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: D. Path 'properties.requestedServiceObjectiveName', line 3, position 41.'."}}
  • The c is missing after the data warehouse units (gen1 vs gen2) which returns the following error:
    {"code":"45122","message":"\u0027Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen1 has been deprecated in this region. Please use SQL Analytics in Azure Synapse.\u0027","target":null,"details":[{"code":"45122","message":"\u0027Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen1 has been deprecated in this region. Please use SQL Analytics in Azure Synapse.\u0027","target":null,"severity":"16"}],"innererror":[]}

4) Add Web Activity
To call the Rest API we will use the Web Activity in the ADF pipeline. The actual Rest API call is synchronous, which means it waits for it to finish the pause or resume action and then it will return a message. This also means that you don't have to build any checks to make sure it is already online.
  • Add a Web activity to your pipeline and give it a suitable name
  • Go to the Settings tab and use the URL from step 2 in the URL property
  • Choose PATCH as method
  • Add a new header with the name 'Content-Type' and the value 'application/json'
  • Fill in the JSON message from step 3 as body
  • Choose MSI as authentication method
  • As the last step enter this URL as Resource
Use a Web activity to call the Rest API

If you want to scale up before your ETL/ELT process and scale down afterwards then you need two separate Web activities or one clever child pipeline with parameters that you execute from your main pipeline.

In this post you learned how to upscale and downscale your Dedicated SQL Pool to save some money on your Azure bill without writing any code. Note that at the moment of writing live scaling is not yet available and that you will loose the connection to your Dedicated SQL Pool for a couple of minutes.

Also note that ADF pipelines slightly differ from Azure Synapse Analytics pipelines. So if you consider switching to Synapse workspaces because you apparently already use Dedicated SQL Pools then you have to make some small adjustments to this specific task which will be described in a next post. In an other post we already showed how to pause and resume your Azure SQL Pools from within ADF.

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Pausing and resuming Dedicated SQL Pools from ADF

Is there a solution to pause and resume an Azure Dedicated SQL Pool from the Azure Data Factory pipeline without scripting? I know there are PowerShell solutions, but I rather use a no-code solution. What are my options?
Pause and resume Azure Dedicated SQL Pools

Luckily you can now use the Rest API's of Azure Dedicated SQL Pools (formerly known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse and for a short period as Azure Synapse Analytics) to pause or resume the compute.

1) Give ADF Access to SQL Pool
To call the Rest API we need to give ADF access to the SQL Pool or more specific to the SQL Server hosting that SQL Pool. We need a role that can only change the database settings, but nothing security related: Contributor, SQL Server Contributor or  SQL DB Contributor. Choose the role with just enough permissions to perform the task and avoid the Owner role.
  • Go to the Azure SQL Server of the SQL Pool that you want to pause or resume with ADF
  • In the left menu click on Access control (IAM)
  • Click on Add, Add role assignment
  • In the 'Role' drop down select 'SQL DB Contributor'
  • In the 'Assign access to' drop down select Data Factory
  • Search for your Data Factory, select it and click on Save
Grant data factory SQL DB Contributor role to SQL Server

If you forget this step then you will receive an authorization error while executing your ADF pipeline.
2108 Authorization Failed


,"message":"The client 'xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' with object id 'xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/resume/action' over scope '/subscriptions/xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/RG_bitools/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/SQL_bitools/databases/bitools' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials."}

2) Determine URL
Now it is almost time to edit your ADF pipeline. The first step will be adding a Web activity to call the Rest API, but before we can do that we need to determine the URL of this API which you can find here.

Pause compute{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{server-name}/databases/{database-name}/pause?api-version=2014-04-01-preview

Resume compute{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{server-name}/databases/{database-name}/resume?api-version=2014-04-01-preview

Within these URL's you need to replace all parts that start and end with a curly bracket: {subscription-id}, {resource-group-name}, {server-name} and {database-name} (including the brackets themselves). Don't use a URL ( for the database server name, but use only the name: bitools.

Example URL
Example URL

3) Add Web Activity
To call the Rest API we will use the Web Activity in the ADF pipeline. The actual Rest API call is synchronous, which means it waits for it to finish the pause or resume action and then it will return a message. This also means that you don't have to build any checks to make sure it is already online.
  • Add a Web activity to your pipeline and give it a suitable name
  • Go to the Settings tab and use the URL from the previous step in the URL property
  • Choose POST as method
  • Fill in {} as body (we don't need it, but it is required)
  • Choose MSI as authentication method
  • As the last step enter this URL as Resource
Use a Web activity to call the Rest API

You could also first check the current status via the Check database state Rest API and then use an expression like @activity('Get Status') to retrieve the current state.

In this post you learned how to pause and resume your Dedicated SQL Pool to save some money on your Azure bill without writing any code. Note that you only pause the compute and that you still have to pay for the storage of the SQL Pool.

Also note that ADF pipelines slightly differ from Azure Synapse Analytics pipelines. So if you consider switching to Synapse workspaces because you apparently already use Dedicated SQL Pools then you have to make some small adjustments to this specific task which will be described in a next post. In an other post we will also show how to scale your Azure SQL Pools from within ADF.

Monday, 4 January 2021

Power Apps Snack: Don't repeat yourself (again)

I have some pieces of code in my Power Apps formula that gets repeated multiple times. I don't want to repeat that same piece of code, not only because that is dull, but also because it's very maintenance-sensitive? A simple change in the formula needs to be adjusted in all repeated pieces of code. Is there a better solution?
Use the With function to not repeat yourself

Yes there is a better solution then repeating the same piece of code over and over. Last year we showed you an option with a custom 'method', but there is also the WITH function that you probably already know from other languages like T-SQL.

For this example we will revisit an old blogpost to get all selected items from a combobox in a label:
Mulitselect ComboBox in Power Apps

The basic solution is using a concat and concatenate function which looks like:
This will result in a string with "PrdKey1,PrdKey2,PrdKey3," If you want to get ride of the last comma you can use a left: LEFT(mystring, LEN(mystring) - 1). This is where the code repeating starts:
    ) - 1
The trick is to store the result of the code that needs to be repeated in a 'variable' called myProducts with the With function. After that you can use that 'variable' so that you don't need to repeat yourself:
        myProducts: Concat(
        Len(myProducts) - 1

In this post you learned how NOT to repeat yourself by using the With function in Power Apps. Perhaps the code reduction of this basic example is not that big, but we all know that those small pieces of code can quickly get out of control.